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lift uone’s head
振作;欢欣鼓舞  detail>>
lift uone’s horn
趾高气扬;盛气凌人  detail>>
lift uone’s voice
高声叫喊  detail>>
hold uone’s head
高昂着头  detail>>
to hold uone’s head
抬起头来  detail>>
head lift
扬程  detail>>
抬头举颏法  detail>>
lift head
扬程  detail>>
delivery head lift
输送压头  detail>>
double lift jacquard head
复动式提花机龙头  detail>>
head lift time
焊条头抬起时间  detail>>
lift head to breathe
抬头吸气  detail>>
lift up one’s head
欢欣鼓舞。  detail>>
single lift jacquard head
单动式提花机龙头  detail>>
head under arm and crotch-lift
握臂穿腿  detail>>
lift your head uabove the crowd
解除你头部上方人群  detail>>
uone level
往上一层  detail>>
build uone’s body
增强体质  detail>>